Until the Far Distance

Artists Bryony, Karen Logan and Gillian Brent were invited by The Hepworth Wakefield to develop a month long project for a group of young people who were not in education, employment or training. The project aimed to engage with the work and ideas in the gallery exhibition by artist Richard Long, funded by Artist Rooms.

During an intensive four weeks of activities, this group of people who had never met before, took part in interventions, recordings and art making using Richard Long's concepts and methodologies in physical and exciting ways - walking, looking, listening, responding, measuring, making, taking photos, drawing, creating text and discussing.

The project culminated in an exhibition in the gallery space, which the young people took part in designing, curating as well as marketing. On the celebration night of the show, each young person led a skills sharing workshop to the public, which marked an amazing journey.

Date: September – October 2012
Locations: The Hepworth Wakefield, local trips around Wakefield, YSP, Peak District.
Participants: Young people not in education, employment or training.

Picture Gallery